custom/plugins/KsAttachments/src/Resources/views/storefront/page/account/sidebar.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/page/account/sidebar.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block page_account_sidebar_inner %}
  3.     <div class="{% if not headerWidget %}account-aside{% else %}header-account-menu{% endif %}">
  4.         <div class="card account-menu-inner">
  5.             {% block page_account_sidebar_header %}
  6.                 {% if not headerWidget %}
  7.                     <div class="card-header account-aside-header">
  8.                         {{ "account.greetings"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  9.                         {{ context.customer.title }}
  10.                         {{ context.customer.firstName }}
  11.                         {{ context.customer.lastName }}
  12.                     </div>
  13.                 {% endif %}
  14.             {% endblock %}
  15.             {% block page_account_sidebar_menu %}
  16.                 {% if not context.customer.guest %}
  17.                     <div class="list-group list-group-flush account-aside-list-group">
  18.                         {% block page_account_sidebar_menu_inner %}
  19.                             {% block page_account_sidebar_link_home %}
  20.                                 <a href="{{ path('') }}"
  21.                                    title="{{ "account.overviewLink"|trans|striptags }}"
  22.                                    class="list-group-item list-group-item-action account-aside-item{% if controllerName is same as('AccountProfile') and controllerAction is same as('index') %} is-active{% endif %}">
  23.                                     {{ "account.overviewLink"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  24.                                 </a>
  25.                             {% endblock %}
  26.                             {% block page_account_sidebar_link_profile %}
  27.                                 <a href="{{ path('') }}"
  28.                                    title="{{ "account.profileLink"|trans|striptags }}"
  29.                                    class="list-group-item list-group-item-action account-aside-item{% if controllerName is same as('AccountProfile') and controllerAction is same as('profileOverview') %} is-active{% endif %}">
  30.                                     {{ "account.profileLink"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  31.                                 </a>
  32.                             {% endblock %}
  33.                             {% block page_account_sidebar_link_address %}
  34.                                 <a href="{{ path('') }}"
  35.                                    title="{{ "account.addressLink"|trans|striptags }}"
  36.                                    class="list-group-item list-group-item-action account-aside-item{% if controllerName is same as('Address') and controllerAction is same as('accountAddressOverview') %} is-active{% endif %}">
  37.                                     {{ "account.addressLink"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  38.                                 </a>
  39.                             {% endblock %}
  40.                             {% block page_account_sidebar_link_payment %}
  41.                                 <a href="{{ path('') }}"
  42.                                    title="{{ "account.paymentLink"|trans|striptags }}"
  43.                                    class="list-group-item list-group-item-action account-aside-item{% if controllerName is same as('AccountPayment') and controllerAction is same as('paymentOverview') %} is-active{% endif %}">
  44.                                     {{ "account.paymentLink"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  45.                                 </a>
  46.                             {% endblock %}
  47.                             {% block page_account_sidebar_link_orders %}
  48.                                 <a href="{{ path('') }}"
  49.                                    title="{{ "account.ordersLink"|trans|striptags }}"
  50.                                    class="list-group-item list-group-item-action account-aside-item{% if controllerName is same as('AccountOrder') and controllerAction is same as('orderOverview') %} is-active{% endif %}">
  51.                                     {{ "account.ordersLink"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  52.                                 </a>
  53.                             {% endblock %}
  54.                             {% if config('KsAttachments.config.enableField') %}
  55.                                 {% block page_account_sidebar_ks_attachment %}
  56.                                     <a href="{{ path('') }}"
  57.                                        title="{{"ks-attachments-snp.attachments.detail.attachmentsLabel"|trans|sw_sanitize }}"
  58.                                        class="list-group-item list-group-item-action account-aside-item account-aside-item-ks-attachment {% if controllerName is same as('AttachmentCustomer') %} is-active{% endif %}">
  59.                                         {{"ks-attachments-snp.attachments.detail.attachmentsLabel"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  60.                                     </a>
  61.                                 {% endblock %}
  62.                             {% endif %} 
  63.                         {% endblock %}
  64.                     </div>
  65.                 {% endif %}
  66.             {% endblock %}
  67.             {% block page_account_sidebar_footer %}
  68.                 {% if context.customer %}
  69.                     {% if not context.customer.guest %}
  70.                         <div class="card-footer account-aside-footer">
  71.                             {% block page_account_sidebar_logout %}
  72.                                 <a href="{{ path('') }}"
  73.                                    class="btn btn-link account-aside-btn">
  74.                                     {% sw_icon 'log-out' %}
  75.                                     {{ "account.logout"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  76.                                 </a>
  77.                             {% endblock %}
  78.                         </div>
  79.                     {% else %}
  80.                         <div class="card-footer account-aside-footer account-guest-abort">
  81.                             {% block page_account_sidebar_guest_abort %}
  82.                                 <a href="{{ path('') }}"
  83.                                    class="btn btn-link account-aside-btn">
  84.                                     {% sw_icon 'log-out' %}
  85.                                     {{ "account.guestAbort"|trans|sw_sanitize }}
  86.                                 </a>
  87.                             {% endblock %}
  88.                         </div>
  89.                     {% endif %}
  90.                 {% endif %}
  91.             {% endblock %}
  92.         </div>
  93.     </div>
  94. {% endblock %}