{% set isoCode = app.request.locale|lower|split('-') %}
{% set navigationId = app.request.get('navigationId') %}
{% set navigationUrl = null %}
{% if navigationId != null and (element.config.layout.value == "cards" or element.config.layout.value == "list") %}
{% set navigationUrl = seoUrl('frontend.navigation.page', { navigationId: navigationId }) %}
{% endif %}
<div class="card-text mt-1">
{% block blog_content_post_inner_meta_date %}
<small class="text-muted post-date">
{% sw_icon 'calendar' style { 'size': 'sm' } %} {{ post.postdate is empty ? "" : post.postdate|format_datetime('long', 'none', timezone='UTC', locale=isoCode[0]) }}
{% endblock %}
{% block blog_content_post_inner_meta_author %}
{% if config.showauthor and (post.author.translated.name) %}
<small class="text-muted post-author">
{% sw_icon 'avatar' style { 'size': 'sm' } %} {{ post.author.translated.name }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block blog_content_post_inner_meta_category %}
{% if post.category.translated.title %}
<small class="text-muted post-category">
{% sw_icon 'map-closed' style { 'size': 'sm' } %}
{% if navigationUrl != null %}
{% set categoryUrl = navigationUrl ~ '?categories=' ~ post.category.id %}
<a href="{{ categoryUrl }}">{{ post.category.translated.title }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ post.category.translated.title }}
{% endif %}
{% if(post.categories|length > 0) %}
{% for addCategory in post.categories %}
{% if addCategory.translated.title != post.category.translated.title %}
{% if navigationUrl != null %}
{% set categoryUrl = navigationUrl ~ '?categories=' ~ addCategory.id %}
| <a href="{{ categoryUrl }}">{{ addCategory.translated.title }}</a>
{% else %}
| {{ addCategory.translated.title }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block blog_content_post_inner_meta_tags %}
{% if config.showtags and (post.tags|length > 0) %}
<small class="text-muted post-tags">
{% sw_icon 'tags' style { 'size': 'sm' } %}
{% for tag in post.tags %}
{% if navigationUrl != null %}
{% set tagUrl = navigationUrl ~ '?tags=' ~ tag.id %}
<a href="{{ tagUrl }}">{{ tag.name }}</a>{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% else %}
{{ tag.name }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}